Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

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Quick Update Below 1/29/2025 E.V.
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Now into 2025 e.v. and nothing has really changed much. I am still walking (like a drunken sailor) with a cane and having a host of other difficulties to deal with. This is the most ardurous and time-consuming ordeal I have ever had to pass through! However, I will bounce back. I've made a deal with the Universe for at least another twenty-five years. In the meantime, please look over the files on this site ... you have certainly had enough time to do so ... and expect me to return.

Xmas before last a mystery bacteria invaded my chest and attacked my heart. I beat it and recovered from that and some hospital errors. After my 72nd birthday, a stroke crippled me. In and out of a wheelchair, then away from a walker, and sometimes using a cane for better balance now. Finding editing here a challenge. The misinformation and lies told about me are insanely obvious to discredit me and support the claims of con-artist cult leaders using and misrepresenting Crowley and Thelema. While I am recovering, you may wish to check out for some interesting articles and information, although, of course, I do not agree with everything.

If you think Full Attainment of the M.T. Grade is quick and easy, think again. However, you haven't heard the last from me yet!


Personal Note: August 2013 E.V.


Please note the new e-mail address:
This is my ONLY e-mail address from April 10, 2017 e.v. and after.

Copyright 1977-2024 E.V. G.M.Kelly
All Rights Reserved
Downloading for personal use is encouraged.
Written permission from the author is required for
republication separately or as a part of another work.

The opinions expressed here are those of G.M.Kelly and other individuals specified, and not necessarily the opinions of the Castle's host.

The Counter reached 103,711 before being reset... in case you were wondering.
It has not functioned properly for a very long time so it has been removed.

Love is the law, love under will.

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