Scholar or Schnorrer?

by G.M.Kelly

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Peter-Robert Koenig of Switzerland would like to be known as a scholar.  A learned expert and authority in all matters relating to the Ordo Templi Orientis and Aleister Crowley.  However, I cannot view him as such.  Oh, to give this imp his due, it is true he is almost maniacal, nearly pathological in his quest for documentation and information on the subject of the O.T.O., and the value of his collection of documents to the historian of this fraternal order is great.  The problem arises, unfortunately, with his presentation of the "facts".  Although he tries desperately to present himself as an objective historical researcher, it is painfully obvious to the student of human nature that Mr. P.R.Koenig is anything but objective.  He is, in fact, terribly afflicted by his subjectivity, having on his shoulder in regards to the O.T.O. and Crowley a chip the size of a giant redwood.

In presenting his "facts", I have observed, P.R.Koenig will twist and pervert the actual facts well out of proportion, presenting material so far out of context that very often things are completely other than what he makes them seem to be.  Some of the things he writes are true, much to the chagrin of individuals like William Breeze, Caliph Hymenaeus Beta, and groups like the Caliphate pseudo-o.t.o.  On the other hand, some of the things he says are false, generally stated not so much out of ignorance but in an effort to exact revenge upon those whom he has deemed have wronged him, whether they have or he has merely imagined the wrong.  His pettiness in this regard knows no bounds and it unfortunately undermines his attempts at scholarship, devaluating greatly his countless hours of work and research.

If you are interested in examining his work for yourself, much of it may be found on the Internet at

As I have said, you will find a great deal of information, most especially concerning the Ordo Templi Orientis, its origins and history, as well as material regarding the individuals and groups currently claiming to represent and be that fraternal order.  Yet I must caution you not to take too seriously anything he says about the Ordo Templi Orientis, Theodor Reuss and especially Baphomet, Aleister Crowley, for Mr. Koenig has an unfortunate bad habit of perverting the truth to suit the petty desires of his ego for vengeance on Thelema as a whole, apparently having experienced a great deal of rejection long before I myself rejected his perversity, as well as harbouring some justified ill will against Bill Breeze and the Caliphate for the trouble they have given him in the past.

Not content to just make the above statements, I will here for the first time review an excerpt from his Ein Leben fuer die Rose (Arnoldo Krumm-Heller), "A Life for the Rose", by P.R.Koenig, which can apparently be found at

an excerpt regarding a subject that no one on this planet could possibly know and understand better than myself, for you see, it is about me.  Following this new review of P.R.Koenig and his work I have added all but a few fleeting references to him which have to date been published in The Newaeon Newsletter supplemental Encyclical Letters, and therein you will find references to this piece that has been recently and kindly translated for me by Mr. Hal von Hofe, Frater IDOMME, formerly a member of the Caliphate pseudo-o.t.o. but associated now with the O.T.A.  With Hal's permission I will also include some of his comments from our personal correspondence, and with this review illustrate to you just why I say what I say about Mr. P.R.Koenig.

By the way, originally Mr. Koenig spelled his name as König, and thus so too did I in the original forms of the excerpts which follow this review.  However, reproduction of the specialized letter obviously grew annoying and I understand that Americans were not properly pronouncing his name, thus he felt it necessary to change the spelling to better represent the pronunciation of his name.  In accordance with this, and to make my job here easier, I have altered the spelling in the excerpts and will from this point on employ the spelling of his name that people familiar with his work on the Internet are used to.

Excerpt from Ein Leben fuer die Rose in the original German

Gary Allan Martin/"Kelly" (dessen Korrespondenz mit dem aeltesten lebenden Mitglied der 2. Agape Loge und Mitglied der Logenneugruendung von 1977 als "Caliphat," Phyllis Seckler, Bedeutung im "OTO-Phaenomen" erlangt hat) ist "padrino" von Pilares' 1980 geborenen Tochter Nancy Anael Nuit.298* "Kelly," der sich selbst als weltweit Hoechsteingeweihten von Crowleys Argenteum Astrum und einzige Autoritaet in Sachen Thelema bezeichnet, ist dafuer bekannt, aeusserst aggressiv gegen alles, was sich mit Thelema auseinandersetzt (ob nun positiv oder negativ), schriftlich vorzugehen.  Pilares Villa scheint darin ein Vorbild gefunden zu haben.  Beide haben aber, bevor sie ihrer Wut ueber des Herausgebers Gleichgueltigkeit gegenueber Crowley Luft verschafften,299* ihre Unterlagen zur Verfuegung gestellt.300* Obwohl "Kelly"ausserordentlich heftig gegen das "Caliphat" tobt und von seinen Anhaengern und sicherlich von einem Verwandten dasselbe erwartet, unterhaelt Pilares mit Breeze "relaciones amistosas, ... sentimos satisfechos,"301* und sieht das "Caliphat" mit "Potencias Espirituales."302*


298*  Pilares, Brief vom 23.11.90
299*  Fuer mich ist Crowley eine Art Zsa Zsa Gabor des Okkultismus, was natuerlich Gotteslaesterung und Prophetenbeleidigung zugleich ist
300*  Pilares hat nicht mal gewartet, bis alle Buecher bei ihm eingetroffen sind, die ich ihm auf meine Kosten beschafft habe (Golden Dawn)
301*  Pilares, Brief vom 27.10.90
302*  Pilares, Brief vom 24.9.90

Excerpt from A Life for the Rose translated into English

Gary Allan Martin/"Kelly" (whose correspondence with Phyllis Seckler, the oldest living member of the 2. Agape Lodge and member of the refounding of the Lodge in 1977, achieved importance in "OTO-Phaenomen") is "padrino" of Pilares' daughter Nancy Anael Nuit.298* "Kelly," who describes himself as the highest initiate of Crowley's Argenteum Astrum and singular authority in matters of Thelema, is known for proceeding extremely aggressively in writing against everything which takes a position with respect to Thelema (whether positive or negative).  Pilares Villa seems to have found a model therein.  Both, however, before venting their rage against the author's indifference to Crowley,299* have offered their records and documents for my use.300* Although "Kelly" rages extraordinarily violently against the "Caliphate" and expects the same from his followers and certainly from an ally [or 'a relative'], Pilares has "relaciones amistosas, ... sentimos satisfechos,"301* and sees the "Caliphate" as having "Potencias Espirituales."302*


298*  Pilares, letter of 11/23/90
299*  For me Crowley is a kind of Zsa Zsa Gabor of the occult, which is, naturally, both blasphemy against God and insult to Prophet.
300*  Pilares didn't even wait to get all the books (Golden Dawn) I sent him at my cost.
301*  Pilares, letter of 10/27/90
302*  Pilares, letter of 9/24/90

Notes from the translator, Hal von Hofe

From a letter dated September 23, 1999 e.v.

First "singular authority" could also be translated/read as "sole authority", though singular is a bit more literal. -- Your question about "rages...violently":  rages is the word 'tobt', from 'toben', for which my Cassell's German dictionary gives the English synonyms "fume, storm, rage, rave, bluster, roar; romp, be wild"; "violently" is for the word 'heftig', for which Cassell's gives "forcible, violent, severe, vigorous, intense, vehement, fierce, furious, impetuous; passionate, fervent".  The way I read it, his conscious intent seems to be to mock and make light of, taking a superior tone, and he has just used the word 'Wut' above:  "venting their rage" -- 'Wut' in Cassell's = "rage, fury, frenzy, madness, mania; rabies, hydrophobia" -- so that "rages violently" seemed to me the best translation of "heftig tobt".  I do also read a repressed admiration in his paragraph on his part, which helps to explain the petty vindictiveness in his distortions of it.  From this perspective, one could argue that K is subconsciously saying you are passionately wild when it comes to the Caliphate (and other perversions of Thelema), in the manner of a great wild beast.  That is not, however, what his overt words and their tone are saying.

I begin to see more clearly from this paragraph here how Koenig's 'facts' are skewed and redrawn.  Projection of his own tendencies plays a large part in limiting and distorting his vision (surprise, surprise).  Which brings me to the selected enclosures from his website.

[Not presented here as they can be found on Koenig's web site. -ED]

Page 4 of the first, "The Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon", has quotes about Koenig from you and Breeze.  Page 5 of the second, "Too hot to handle", on the Fraternitas Saturni, is where he talks about "repressed identification with a homosexual All-Father (Crowley)" in reference to the members of the FS.  It's not too hard to see this being the case with the young Koenig in his first forays into the occult, i.e. his Oedipal projection onto Crowley.  Next comes a three page discussion with Oscar Schlag, "Thelema and Suppressed Homosexuality."  The last is something written for a David Bowie fan magazine, in a tone of adulation. -- Hope you find them interesting and/or of use.

[Respectively:  -ED]

Excerpt from a letter dated August 31 - September 5, 1999 e.v.

Koenig's indifference to Crowley is only feigned, a pose.  Footnote 299* gives it away.  I'll bet when he was younger and Zsa Zsa was in her heyday (hay day, Green Acres, or was that Eva?) [It was Eva. -ED] Koenig had a very strong fantasy that involved the buggering of Zsa Zsa, (Zasas Zasas?) just as he is now driven by an unrequited desire to sodomize his "homosexual All-father, Crowley" as he calls him in one of his articles.  Also I note, reading between the lines a bit, (footnote 300*) that both you and Senor Pilares dealt with him as gentlemen.

[Hal was being a bit playful in the above letter but no less perceptive because of it.]

Excerpt from a letter dated October 4, 1999 e.v.

As you see, he did misspell "Allen"; he also did indeed say "aggressively in writing against everything", the German word being "alles", neuter singular for "everything". ... "Everyone" would have to have been "jeden" or "alle", & the rest of the sentence would have to change, from "everything which" to "everyone who".

Please do feel free to use the translation & comments as you see fit, & to name the translator, either Hal von Hofe or Frater IDOMME, whichever you think sounds better in the context of your Sword article."

End of Mr. Hal von Hofe's Translation and Comments

It would seem that our self-professed "scholar's" command of the German language is not much better than that of his English.  Furthermore it should be noted that Mr. Koenig never provided me with a copy of the above material, this being originally written long before I had the use of a computer and access to the Internet, and perhaps even before he himself had been on the Net.  As you will see later in the following excerpts, his excuse for not providing me with a copy of what he had written about me, although I had always provided him with a complimentary copy of anything mentioning him, was that since I do not speak or read German, what would be the use of it?  It is a small mention and there is no reason why he could not have provided me with a translation into English, the language he and I were communicating in before finally I signed my last letter to him "Yours as Harpocrates".  Reluctantly, after several years of not corresponding with him, I have fairly recently exchanged a few brief e-mail messages with Peter for the sake of information sharing, and certainly I will notify him of this article so that he may read what I have written and have even more facts to twist and pervert.

Now comes the "fun" part of this review.  As briefly as possible [for the Master of Verbosity!], I shall comment upon what he wrote to show you just how untrustworthy his interpretation of the facts can be.

He began poorly with "Gary Allan Martin/'Kelly'".  People desperate to find something, anything "bad" to say about me often resort to "revealing to the world" that my name "is not really" G.M.Kelly, that it is Gary Allen Martin, or as idiotic Caliphate people like Kevin Bold have often written it "Gary 'G.M.Kelly' Martin", and variations thereof.  This is not only stupid, but it inadvertantly tells the reader that there really isn't anything "bad" to say about me, except that perhaps I have no patience with ignorance, pretension, hypocrisy, and similar character traits found in far too many individuals and groups, especially in the occult "community", and that I see no reason to be overly polite to such people.  "Irascible" one person recently said in reference to me, and while it is not precisely true, I find that at 48 I rather like the image that it conjures.  Of course, I prefer to be called Kelly, which is why so many individuals eager to find some way to insult me enjoy referring to me as does Bold and Koenig.  Gary Allen Martin is my "given" or "Christian" name, but I have never felt very comfortable "in" that name and since 1968 E.V. all of my friends and even my own sister, Linda [who prefers to be called Lin, by the my Uncle John Edward prefers to be called must run in the family] calls me Kelly.  Long story about the name that's not important here.  Kelly is my "chosen" name, as Aleister was Edward Alexander Crowley's chosen name, as Dion Fortune was Violet Firth's pen name, and Mark Twain's was Samuel Clemens'--even the great Souix warrior known as Crazy Horse had chosen his name, his given name being Curly, and really, the chosen name works better in the history books and the movies, don't you think?

"Some men do as much begrudge others a good name, as they want one themselves; and perhaps that is the reason for it." - William Penn

One might argue that the quotation above does not apply, but the fact that some would deny me my chosen name implies that they would deny me my very identity to, in effect, deny my very existence as they find me and my words threatening to their fantasies and con games.  It's all rather silly, of course, this fuss over my "chosen" name not being my "given" name, most especially because I have never tried to hide or deny my "given" name.  What do these people think the "G.M." in "G.M.Kelly" is for anyway?  [Amusingly one person believed it stood for "Grand Master" and up until then, oddly, I had never even thought of that.]  Suffice it to say that I prefer to be called Kelly as that name suits my heritage and personality better than ... you know ... that other name.  And after all, reminding you this for your sake, there is an ancient Chinese proverb which states that "The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names", and Kelly is my "right name" just as Crazy Horse was Crazy Horse's.  These are the names given to us by our Guardian Spirits in our respective Vision Quests.  Can any man rightly deny another Spirit?  Be that as it may, it is a pity Koenig could not be accurate enough in his "scholarship" to spell Allen correctly.

The opening sentence referring to my correspondence with Phyllis Seckler, Soror Meral of the Caliphate pseudo-o.t.o., is very poorly constructed, but he seems to be implying that I shared this correspondence with him.  This is highly misleading.  I did not share this correspondence with Koenig.  I shared some of it with everyone, several years after our correspondence ended, in an article published in an Encyclical Letter which can now be found in the Sword of Horus section of this web site.

Also highly misleading is his references to my connection to Senor Ruben Pilares Villa, and I'll wager to say that he has grossly misrepresented my friend on his web site as well.  Here are the basic facts:  soon after the publication of The Newaeon Newsletter, Volume I, Number 1, on the Winter Solstice of 1977 E.V. Ruben became a subscriber.  He lives in and is a native of a country in South America.  I may have even sent him an advertising brochure, I can't be certain at this time.  Prior to this Helen Parsons Smith, Soror Grimaud, an original member of the last legitimate Thelemic O.T.O. Lodge in Pasadena, c. 1930s-1940s E.V., was corresponding with me.  She was looking forward to the newsletter I had planned to publish, but when I asked her for a mailing list she said that it would be unethical to give or sell me her mailing list.  However, in a separate envelope received the same day as the letter in which she said that, without a note, HPS had sent me a thick bunch of preaddressed mailing labels, and I believe Ruben's name and address may have been on one of these.  They were used, of course, to mail out the first bach of advertising brochures for The Newaeon Newsletter, as was Helen's intention.

Sadly, Ruben and I could never really carry on much of a correspondence.  He was limited to Spanish and I am limited to English, and I found it most difficult to find translators.  I supposed I should have dated more Spanish-speaking women at the time and fewer Asians.  Anyway, due to this language barrier we could never get into a philosophical discussion, but I assume he had the newsletters being sent to him translated into his language and apparently he developed some respect for me and my work.  Our correspondence was infrequent and fairly basic, but I learned enough about him to know his position on and in the Ordo Templi Orientis as it was being represented in his country.  Then shortly after "The Ordeal" I underwent, recorded elsewhere on this site, although it was actually far from over, a daughter was born to this man who already had a lovely wife and two healthy, good looking sons:  Nancy Anael Nuit.  I thought the timing of her birth and the honour then bestowed upon me quite beautifully symbolic - she was born on October 8th of 1980 E.V.  Ruben and Nancy asked me to be Anael's "godfather" and I humbly accepted the honour and by proxy stood up for a second "godchild" in my life, my first being a "blood relation".  However, none of this creates any kind of a link between me and the Ordo Templi Orientis or Herr Krumm-Heller, as Koenig seems to be implying.  This is all purely personal.

Konig has perverted the facts to the point of outright lying when he wrote "'Kelly' ... describes himself as the highest initiate of Crowley's Argenteum Astrum and singular authority in matters of Thelema" for I have absolutely never described myself in that manner.  First, I would never describe myself as "the highest initiate..." for that would mean claiming the grade of Ipsissimus, and you will find no such claim as that anywhere made by me.  Sorry, folks, but I'm not ready for that one!  Furthermore, no where have I referred to myself as an "authority" on anything, not even Thelema, much less a "singular authority".  Quite simply, P.R.Koenig is lying and misrepresenting me, one might even say libellously so.  He can worm out of this though by claiming carelessness in reference to my "claim" of the Magister Templi grade - a matter, by the way, that you should not be in awe of.  Trust me, if you were a Master of the Temple you would Understand.  Also, by Koenig's wording, it is clear that he does not truly understand the nature of the Argenteum Astrum, the A.·.A.·., for he seems to think of it in much the same way as far too many others do - as a kind of esoteric O.T.O.  That is not the nature of this "Order".

As for me being "known for proceeding extremely aggressively in writing against everything which takes a position with respect to Thelema (whether positive or negative)", Koenig again misrepresents me.  I will not deny my aggressiveness as it is part of my Arian and Thelemic nature, however, when I am "writing against" someone or something it is always because they are not Thelemic, because they are either pseudo-thelemic or outright anti-thelemic, and in such cases it is always, so to speak, "negative".  It is a condition of my True Will that I must deal with these matters, and while I take joy in exercising my skills, I would rather wish that this task would not need to be performed.  However, I am resigned to the fact that a certain amount of destruction or perhaps more accurately deconstruction is a necessary precursor to the sound and healthy construction of something better.  I was raised on a farm, my Grandpap was also a builder of houses, and before the garden can be planted or the house built, the land first has to be cleared of all debris.  It is a simple fact of life.

Koenig wrote:  "Pilares Villa seems to have found a model therein."  If it is true, it is gratifying that my friend Ruben thinks so highly of me, and I can only hope to continue to live up to his presumed admiration.

The self-professed "scholar" also wrote:  "Both, however, before venting their rage against the author's indifference to Crowley ... have offered their records and documents for my use."  This, my friends, is an outright lie, and so egotistically told.  I will not speak for Ruben in this instance, although my guess is that he too has been misrepresented here, but I for one never vented rage against Koenig because of his posed indifference to Crowley.  It is obvious that he is not "indifferent" and that he wishes to destroy Crowley, his work and all that he had hoped for through misrepresentation of the facts.  As I have said, Koenig obviously has one hell of a big chip on his shoulder in regards to anything that has to do with Crowley, Thelema and especially the O.T.O., devaluating most of the work that he does.  A study of Koenig's work seems to indicate that he more so than me proceeds "extremely aggressively in writing against everything which takes a position with respect to Thelema (whether positive or negative)."  I never "raged against" Koenig.  I grew tired and bored of his nonesense, and found him to be such a trivial person that I have only made mention of him briefly up until now.

Furthermore, he lies when he says that I "have offered [my] records and documents for [his] use."  What "records and documents"?  I have certainly not shared my personal letters to or from my friend Ruben!  Nor have I shared any other documents with him.  If he is referring to The Newaeon Newsletter or the supplemental Encyclical Letters, he is misstating the facts as these are published works that anyone may obtain, read and glean information from.  P.R.Koenig is very much like an overflowingly full latrine, if you get my drift - in many ways.

Koenig wrote:  "'Kelly' rages extraordinarily violently against the 'Caliphate' and expects the same from his followers and certainly from an ally [or 'a relative']".  I expect that the referenc to "a relative" implies my friend Ruben, father of my lovely and intelligent goddaughter, Anael Nuit.  Well, in the first place I do not "rage" against the Caliphate or anyone else, and certainly not "violently".  However, I do speak out most passionately against anyone or anything that misrepresents or otherwise harms Thelema or the memory of Aleister Crowley, and I do so, passionately, because of my love for both the philosophy and the man, and because, quite simply, I am a passionate writer.  Koenig's implications misrepresent me completely.

Also, aside from the fact that I wasn't even aware that I have "followers", although I do have many friends and associates, fellow travellers along the Path of the Wise, my equals in every way, although in some ways I think quite superior to me, it should also be stated that I do not expect anyone to be anything but who and what they are.  Many of my friends do not even care about the O.T.O., Thelema or Magick to begin with, and that is fine with me.  In fact, my closest friend throughout my childhood, after his marriage, allowed his wife to convert him to born again Christianity and he shocked me one day when he said "Well you never tried to convert me to anything!"  No, it is true.  I did not.  I accepted him for who and what he was and had absolutely no desire to change him or remould him in anyway into a carbon copy of myself.  I respected his individuality as well as his differing interests, and if he had shown the least bit of interest in Thelema I would have gladly answered any of his questions and otherwise encouraged his interest.  However, it is certainly not a necessity that anyone who becomes my friend should be as ardent as I am about Thelema, establishing and defending it.  Nor is such passion for Thelema necessary in any ally of mine.  One of my greatest allies in my life is my cousin D.M., a "relative", and he has next to no interest whatsoever in either Crowley or Thelema.  He is the person responsible for the printing of The Newaeon Newsletter, Volume I, Number 1, at no charge to me, for instance, and his assistance has continued throughout these many years.  P.R.Koenig merely wishes to misrepresent me as some kind of a unreasonably raging, intolerant, horribly demanding tyrant.  And why?  Perhaps in part so that people will be discouraged from reading anything that I may write about him.

From an analysis of this one paragraph by Koenig alone, about a subject that no one could possibly know better than myself - myself - youcan see how this would-be "scholar" twwists and perverts the facts to suit his perverse ego.  And if he can pervert so much with so few words, just imagine the degree of perversity of the truth that can be found in his reams upon reams of "research"!

And now, to sum up the subject of P.R.Koenig and this review of the man and his work, excerpts from various issues of the Newaeon Encyclical Letter.

Summer Solstice Encyclical Letter of 1990 E.V.

Excerpt from an article regarding "The 'O.T.O.' Goes to Court"

To finish this subject [at least for the moment], let me direct you, the readers, to the work of P.R.Koenig, author of "Thelema in Appenzell", which can be found in the 1988 E.V. issues of the Nuit-Isis journal.  He is doing his damnedest to collect documentation on the O.T.O. and the various groups now claiming to represent and be that order today.  I find his work often confusing, no doubt in part because of the proverbial language barrier, and I certainly don't agree with everything he says [e.g. in a letter to me that after the A.·.A.·. "failed", Crowley tried to use the O.T.O. as a "purse"], but Mr. Koenig, via his investigations, has also become, shall we say, skeptical of the claims of the various pseudo-o.t.o.s, as I must insist upon calling these groups.  Interested parties and those with information should contact Mr. P.R.Koenig at Freihofstrasse 2, CH-9842 Oberreiden, Switzerland.

EDITOR'S NOTE:  The above address is probably no longer valid.  However, Mr. Koenig may be contacted via the Internet using the following e-mail address:

Summer Solstice Encyclical Letter of 1991 E.V.

Excerpt from a review of James M. Martin's magazine, Abrasax No. 9: "MAGICK & THELEMA"

THELEMA AND HOMOSEXUALITY by P[eter] R[obert] Koenig begins on page 15.  Here we have the height, or rather the depths, not only of sexual perversity, but also intellectual perversity.  You may recall that in the Summer Solstice 1990 E.V. EL, page 2, I mentioned Koenig, gave his then current address, pointed out that I certainly do not agree with the fellow, and yet indicated that he had collected a lot of interesting tid bits about the various pseudo-o.t.o.s in his "Thelema in Appenzell" - a very poorly written, even more poorly edited, collection of quotations from various sources, some admittedly taken out of context.  I myself contacted Koenig, shared some information on the Caliphate gang with him, all with an admittedly ulterior purpose, and for a time carried on a correspondence with the fellow which was a strain upon my constitution.  Finally, my work finished, fed up with his extreme perversity and his constant nasty remarks about A.C., I told him to bugger off, signing my last letter to him "Yours as Harpocrates", thus refusing to respond to any more of his letters.  I have since continued to receive letters from him, most lately an exchange between him and Bill Heidrick of the Caliphate gang - Koenig was a member, big surprise - and another begging me to forget my personal feelings for him and help him to write the ultimate book about the O.T.O. and the various pseudo-o.t.o.s today.  Of course, I filed all that and did not reply.  I have no "personal" feelings for the whacko, and I am certainly not going to help him with a series of articles that he hopes to turn into a book that can only end up being a mess that will muck things up further in regards to the Ordo Templi Orientis.  And who in their right mind would wish to be associated with such a fellow as P.R.Koenig!  He attaches to his name all kinds of titles and degrees, after explaining that he received those degrees from people he also said had no right to give out such degrees, making those degrees meaningless, and time and time again he tried to impress me.  He did impress me - most unfavourably.  In one letter he broke into what was supposed to be a metaphysical tract explaining the secrets of the universe [I guess], ranting and raving things like

"The Anus is the eye, the eye is Ayin, 16, ATU XVI is the falling tower = the erect penis:  cock and anus are one!  Anus = eye = Seth = Satan = Saturn = Hadit:  cock and anus are one!"  Etc., etc.. [28 June 1990 E.V.]

And here is a quaint little gem from a letter dated 23 October 1990 E.V.:

"please explain me why you think you should be a thelemite?  re James Martin:  of course if we should meet some day i fuck him in the ass.  i do with every man and woman in my entourance.  i know my duty as xi° (which is the same as ix°).  i really dunnot understand or know what you have against J.Martin or my correspondence with him; jalousy?"

Ugh!  I can assure you that I am not suffering from "jalousy".  These two sickos really deserve each other, yet I take it that they still do not get along too well in their romance, er, I mean association-by-mail.  Martin is in Texas and Koenig [thank the gods!] is in Switzerland.  Aside from being straight, I found Koenig's letters so disgusting that I felt like washing my hands after reading them.  Not just sexually perverse, but also intellectually perverse.  Ah, but on with this review...

The way Koenig sees it, and wouldn't you expect this from someone who thinks that it is his "duty" to 'bum fuck' everyone he encounters, just about everyone is suffering from repressed homosexuality.  Crowley, he wrote, had, "up until 1912, ... fucked mostly ugly women, repressing his homosexuality.  He even had problems with masturbation."  Absolute nonsense.  In the first place, no one, most especially Koenig, has even seen photographs or gotten reliable descriptions of "most" of the women A.C. had sexual intercourse with, prior to or after 1912 E.V..  Perhaps Koenig, being typically subjective and careless, is basing this idiotic claim upon poetic descriptions of the worldly, experienced women Crowley gave in one or two places, which were not necessarily descriptions of an "ugly" woman.  Whatever the case may be, those photographs of Crowley's paramours that do exist are of rather attractive women, taking into account the styles of the times.  Rose, his first wife, was lovely.  Leila Waddell, with her long, straight dark hair, would have been a star in the sixties.  Both of these were Crowley's lovers before 1912 E.V..  And later Crowley would be disenchanted with and "turned off" by Jane Wolfe because of her decidedly masculine and unattractive appearance, among other things.  As for A.C.'s so-called problems with masturbation - the only "problem" he had with it when he was a young boy was that he did not know what it was until, having grown curious about the unmentionable "sin", he made inquiries.

Koenig went on to write that "It's also possible that Crowley had a small cock", and before this he wrote that "A noticeable decline in his works came with his taking over the OTO.  He lost his inner drives, probably in living out his sexuality."  Et cetera.  There was no "noticeable decline", as Koenig states, if anything just the opposite, and this nonsense about the size of his penis - who knows? - who cares? - and if it were so, what hope must it give men all over the world who worry about the size of their penis, for Crowley "knew" more women than most men ever get to "know" in life, and for the most part they seem to have been well satisfied and hard to get rid of when the romance was over.

Let us not waste too much space on P.R.Koenig's extremely warped ego.  Suffice it to say that he is a very sick individual, extremely unintelligent, intellectually and sexually perverse, certainly not a Thelemite, and he obviously hates all of the groups calling themselves the O.T.O. because they have all cast him out, not even so desperate to maintain their misleading membership lists as to keep him on the books.  And to clarify something, just in case, while I am "straight", tending to be sexually conservative most of the time [how boring], I am by far not a prude and not opposed to natural homosexuality.  That is to say, if it is natural for a person to lean towards the homosexual extreme of the bisexual arc, then they should, by all means, live and enjoy a homosexual lifestyle and I stand behind them [metaphorically speaking!] 100% when it comes to standing up for their rights and choices in life.  However, Koenig seems to manifest a deep-seated sexual dis-ease by way of homosexuality, that is, in his case a symptom of an emotional problem he is suffering from, his illness infecting his intellectual capacities, and in my opinion he could benefit from a lifetime of quality psychiatric care.  The fellow, despite himself, even speaks unflatteringly about gays in his article!  I would not be surprised to learn that Koenig is generally spurned also by the gay community in Switzerland, leaving him to take himself in hand too often.  One thing is certain about P.R.Koenig:  he is supreme in one way, and that is as a masturbationist - whether we are talking in sexual terms or in reference to his dis-eased ego.

Crowleymas/Samhain Encyclical Letter of 1991 E.V.

Excerpt from a section entitled "Mixed Nuts"

P.[ETER] R.[OBERT] KOENIG also responded to the review of Abrasax #9 in the Summer Solstice EL with a brief note, likewise intended to get under my skin.  I simply shrugged my shoulders, filed the note away and did not respond as I am to him as Harpocrates, having better things to do than to bother with him - or James Martin, for that matter.  Later I received a complimentary copy of a magazine from overseas called AHA, "Nr. 7, Juli 1991".  Some others I have corresponded with also received copies that they neither ordered nor paid for, and there being therein an article about the O.T.O. by one P.R.Koenig it is not difficult to ascertain who had had them sent to us so that he might brag about his publishing success.  Of course, it is difficult to take seriously a magazine that portrayed Charles Manson as a werewolf in a silly drawing, and the publication being entirely in the German language it is virtually impossible for me to read.  And I do not feel a burning desire to run out and hire a translator.

Yule Encyclical Letter of 1991 E.V.

Excerpt from "'Mixed Nuts' of the Crowleymas/Samhain 1991 E.V. Encyclical Letter"

P.R.KOENIG responded with a short note in which he wrote "since you publicly admitted not to know German," as if this were some terrible crime I had confessed to, "I see no need to send you [a] copy of my articles where I will mention you."  That is to say, whereas I am a polite Thelemic gentleman and always send complimentary copies of anything I write about a person to that person, he intends to prove himself an impolite and unethical pseudo-thelemite.  Well, I suppose that is to be expected.  Of course I could have passages underscored by him translated or he could even provide me with a translation.  But who really cares what he says or does?  After all, he went on to write the following:  "I will introduce you as an associate member of the Caliphate", and it should be obvious to everyone by now that I am in no way associated with the Caliphate pseudo-o.t.o., that gang surely having no love for me.  In other words, Koenig is telling me in his October 23rd, 1991 E.V. letter that he intends to lie about me in print, pervert O.T.O. history, and he will not even be polite enough to send me copies of his lies so that I may respond to them if I chose to, and yet he expects people to believe him and accept him as an authority and expert on the O.T.O. history and Thelema while he here admits that he will twist the truth and falsify information about it just to "get even" with me for honestly speaking my mind and expressing my opinion.

EDITOR'S NOTE:  At a later date a photocopy excerpt of what Koenig had written about me, in German, was sent to me, but I merely filed it away and forgot about it.  Now, years later, as can be seen by the opening of this article, Mr. Hal von Hofe, formerly a member of the Caliphate pseudo-o.t.o. and now free of the gang, has provided me with a translation of the article, proving further much of what I have concluded in regards to P.R.Koenig and his less than sterling character and scholastic integrity.

Vernal Equinox Encyclical Letter of 1992 E.V.

JAMES MARTIN [O.T.B.] and P.R.KOENIG are long distance 'butt buddies' I have reported on in earlier ELs of this series.  My reports and comments are professionally motivated since they, like "Archon" and "Anthra" and Mershon, misrepresent Thelema with their intellectual and/or sexual perversity and undereducated rubbish.  Naturally these creatures have become obsessed with the idea of "getting even".  I was recently informed, for instance, that Martin, in a little nothing called The Philsoopher's Stone that he is putting out, referred to me as a "paranoid schizophrenic".  Pretty good coming from a little weasle of a transvestite whose buddy Koenig believes that it is his mystical duty to [pardon my French] 'butt-fuck' everyone he meets!  In point of fact, I can hardly be considered paranoid, a mental disorder that is characterized by delusions of persecution, nor schizophrenic for the same reason, when I am of the opinion that most people do not know me, do not care if I live or die, and of those who have heard of me most tend to agree with me and the rest are not capable of persecuting me and for the most part have not dared to try.  Interestingly this petty attack raises a question though, for you see, while I always send complimentary copies of whatever I write about a person to that person, individuals such as Martin and Koenig prove themselves petty, fearful, ungentlemanly and unthelemic by doing and saying things behind a person's back.  I was not sent a copy of The Philosopher's Stone which may be considered to have libellously slandered me.  So, let's see, I was being "persecuted", attacked behind my back, these fellows conspiring against me, therefore, if I ever acted paranoid might I not, in fact, be merely aware?

At any rate, later I received anonymously [from Koenig...] copies of another issue of The Philosopher's Stone for February and March of this year, each page inanely stamped in red ink DO NOT DESTROY.  Towards the end of the text the Queen of Wands tarot card is the subject of the paragraph, ending with a footnote number.  The footnote was thoughtfully hi-lited in yellow by the anonymous person who sent me these photocopies [Koenig], and the inane footnote, having nothing really to do with the text, being only a very petty, childish bit of lunacy written in an attempt to "get even" reads as follows:

"Except for the alcohol, She is G. M. Kelly, too.  (We're both natal Aries suns, but he could never be a genuine Queen, lacking the humility that is the noblesse oblige of royalty.  The only throne you will find Kelly on is in his bathroom, yet, curiously, his shit does not stink.)"

Just what in the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?  Well... let's see ... James Martin is saying that, unlike him, I am not a "queen".  Being a man who loves women in dresses but will surely never himself dress in one I can hardly be offended by that!  I am offended to think that we share the same sun-sign, if that is what he is saying, but there is a lot more to astrology than that, after all.  And as for whether or not my shit stinks ... who but someone like Martin or Koenig would care?  And what is that supposed to mean anyway?  And if it doesn't, would this not prove me a highly evolved being?  Really ... it is all quite mad.  There is nothing truly sane, rational or worthwhile about either James Martin or P.R.Koenig.  They are merely perverse caricatures of humankind, diseased vermin with immature and twisted mentalities and certainly not legitimate representatives of Thelema.

Summer Solstice Encyclical Letter of 1992 E.V.

Excerpt from a section entitled "Feedback and Nonsense"

INTELLECTUAL AND SEXUAL PERVERTS JAMES B. MARTIN [O.T.B.] AND P.R.KOENIG have been doing their best to "get even" with me for throwing light upon their idiocies by saying nasty and provably false things about me in Martin's rag and via personal correspondence with others, seeing to it that I sometimes receive copies in roundabout ways with the intention of pissing me off.  They haven't pissed me off.  They are only proving everything I have ever said about them.  Common sense and possession of all of The Newaeon Newsletter volumes proves their inane statements to be lies, and further, detailed comment of their moronic words and extremely petty behaviour in this place would be beneath me and a waste of everyone's valuable time.

Copies of letters or articles that either of these fellows writes mentioning yours truly, Crowley and/or Thelema would be appreciated for I have found that with individuals like Martin and Koenig the best weapon to use against them is their own ill thought out words and these can be employed to weave a kind of swatter to squish the bugs.

Swat!  Splat!

Valentine's Day Encyclical Letter of 1993 E.V.

Excerpt from a section entitled "Clean Up"

P.R.KOENIG:  This perverted little worm is still trying desperately to reestablish communications with me although I have filed away and not responded to his letters for a very long time.  Addressing the envelope in a snotty, stupid manner, as usual, this latest one informs me that he has "a letter of Marcelo Ramos Motta wherein he babbled about" me, and Koenig wishes to trade this for my "H.P.Smith correspondence".  Then he proceeds to slander the father of my goddaughter, Anael Nuit!  My old correspondence [about the late seventies] with Helen Parsons Smith, Soror Grimaud of the original Agape Lodge of the real O.T.O. who later unwisely associated herself with the Caliphate pseudo-o.t.o., amounts to a great deal more than a single letter.  A lot of expensive photocopying would be required, and, anyway, I have absolutely no inclination whatsoever to share this material with a worm like Koenig.  Besides, despite her unwise association, I have always had a fondness for H.P.S. in much the same way as I did the unfortunately twisted and now deceased C.F.Russell ["Godwin" in The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] and if ever that correspondence sees the light of day it will be yours truly that publishes the material and not a cancerous disease like Peter-Robert Koenig.

December 1995 E.V. Encyclical Letter

31 July 1995 E.V.

The Konig article concerning the devouring of semen ["Ascetic and libertine Gnostics" a "Lecture for CESNUR at the University of Rome/Italy in May 1995" -ED]:  The translator [Paul Sturges -ED] seems to favor the word "sperm," which, of course, properly speaking, refers only to the actual sperm cells, not to the viscous medium that conveys the cells into the vagina (or, as is more usual, into the air); viz., the semen.  If one had "a mouthful of sperm," I doubt if he would even notice it, the cells just sort of lying there naked without the accompanying semen.  There is also some question as to how they could have arrived there in that condition.

However, translation problems aside, Konig makes several ill-founded assumptions upon which he chooses to erect the flimsy edifice of his essay.  I say this without even questioning the idea that the eating of semen is the central mystery of the O.T.O.  Of course, thanks to Israel Regardie, we all know about "The mass of the Holy Ghost," so perhaps this is so - even though Konig tries to make it sound more homosexual than it really is, neglecting as he does to mention that the substance consumed is not merely "sperm," but the mingled fluids of both sexes consumed in an act of post-coital cunnilingus.  By concentrating upon the "sperm," Konig betrays an unconscious sexism (concentration on the male element; disregard and devaluation of the female element).

If Konig is referring to the IX°, which is supposedly homosexual in nature, he nevertheless apparently fails to realize that the focus of this degree is not oral, but anal:  the eye of Horus, as in "Give me the sign of the open eye/And the token erect of thorny thigh," relating to ayin and the Devil of the tarot.

But whatever the mysteries of this or that organization calling itself the "O.T.O.," Konig seems to assume that the eating of semen, or the oral ingestion of the mingled fluids, is a well-known Gnostic practice.  If he is referring to the original Gnostics of the first centuries of the common era, then he has uncritically bought into the libels of the Christian writers and heresiologists of the time who were at some pains to discredit and defame Gnostic practices.  "Look at this!  Isn't this disgusting?  Gnasty Gnostics!  Eu!"  There is no extant Gnostic writing that describes or hints at this practice.

He also sets up a false analogy with homeopathy and then proceeds to demolish it.  It is easily demolished, since it is a house of cards to begin with.  Homeopathy has to do, not with ingesting some substance in order to acquire some property associated with that substance (as in the Christian mass), but with ingesting a miniscule amount of some substance in order to inoculate oneself against the effects of excesses of that substance in the body - "the hair of the dog."  Since the amount of semen consumed is far greater than that normally ingested in a homeopathic tincture, and since one does not thereby seek to cure the effects of too much semen in one's body, the homeopathic analogy is absurd and beside the point.  This is true even if you say that the semen contains some mysterious spiritual essence just as a homeopathic tincture contains a miniscule amount of some sympathetic substance:  if it was intended to work on the same principle as homeopathy, the design would be to "cure" all spiritual aspirations on the part of the participant in these mysteries.  Neither does the process involved seem to have much in common with allopathy (another ten-dollar medical term that Konig drops in), wherein one takes a minute dose of something that, in larger quantities, has the opposite effect from that of the symptoms.  Konig must have thrown these words in just to sound educated and erudite, or perhaps simply because "homosexual" contains a prefix similar to that of "homeopathy" (according to the "sounds alike, is alike" theory favored by Kenneth Grant, among too many others), or maybe because he felt it sounded cool and people would be afraid to show their ignorance by questioning it, thus being so literal-minded and generally stupid and plebian as to miss his point entirely.

A silly essay by a silly fellow.  A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

[NOTE:  Koenig has been sending me material, mostly advertisements printed in German for a work he has had published or which he self-published, desperate for some attention.  I hope the attention from my associate makes him happy. -KELLY]

Scholar or Schnorrer?

You may be wondering what a "schnorrer" is.  It is a Yiddish term meaning "a beggar or scrounger" [and I know about the gender].  I feel that this term suits P.R.Koenig much better than that of "scholar", for not only is he indeed a "scrounger", digging among the literary remains and excreta of others for a means of "getting even" with those who have rejected him while trying desperately to prove that he is a scholar and one to be taken seriously, but the poverty of his character, intellect and wit reminds me of a verse from The Book of the Law, Chapter II, Verse 58:

"A King may choose his garment as he will:  there is no certain test:  but a beggar cannot hide his poverty."

While it is true that "könig" is the German word for "king", the fact that this is his name, if indeed he did not choose it later in life, may indicate that Fate is a Trickster who would turn things topsy turvy by giving to an obvious beggar a name so unsuitable to his personality and character.

Love is the law, love under will.