Deciphering the Book of the Law
Part I
sub figura LXXVI
by G.M.
Do what thou
wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
"The Book
of the Law is connected more
with the Greek Cabbala than with the Hebrew." - Aleister Crowley, The
Confessions of Aleister Crowley, Hill and Wang, 1969 E.V., Chapter
85, Page 835.
The following was "inspired" on Rudemas
Eve of 1983 E.V., written down in a more complex form and tucked away with
Crowley's Commentaries to Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX, The Book
of the Law, where it rested while numerous individuals claiming either
to be Aleister Crowley reincarnated or the Magical Child of the Beast 666
presented, with great fanfare (rather flat and off key) their so-called
solutions to the "Riddle of AL", as Chapter II, Verse 76 came to be called
by some. These "solutions" were sometimes complex, often irrational and
had little or nothing to do with the Greek Qabalah.
As for that which follows, accept it or
reject it and what you may choose to believe its presentation implies as
you will. I am merely passing something on - something that, with little
doubt, may one day be expanded in many different directions and dimensions.
"Aye! listen to the numbers &
the words:"
- CCXX II.75
"A final revelation. The revealer to come
is perhaps the one mentioned in I.55 and III.47. ..." [See Liber ILDH vel
XLIX svb figvra DCLXXVI as published in the Newaeon Encyclical Letter of
the 1984 E.V. Summer Solstice.]
"This passage following appears to be a
Qabalistic test (on the regular pattern) of any person who may claim to
be the Magical Heir of The Beast. Be ye well assured all that the solution,
when it is found, will be unquestionable. It will be marked by the most
sublime simplicity, and carry immediate conviction. ..." - Aleister Crowley,
Magical and Philosophical Commentaries on The Book of the Law, 93
Publishing, 1974 E.V., pages 248-9; pages 258-9 of The Law Is For All,
Llewellyn Publications, 1975 E.V.
"4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24
89 R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor
shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall expound
it. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the
star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad
- CCXX II.76, the so-called "Riddle
of AL".
The phrase "glad word" seems to be important.
"Word", of course, immediately brings to mind the Greek word Logos, and
Aleister Crowley, the Beast 666 or To Mega Therion, was the Logos of the
present New Æon of Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child. However, "word"
is qualified by calling it "glad", thus one may be inclined to think that
this "glad word", as opposed to "the Word", may refer to something or someone
else - in this case both, as riddle and the revealer of the riddle's solution
are one in a way that anyone who has experienced samadhi may understand
via that experience.
The word "glad" in Greek is charmosynos,
the numeration of which is 1731 (i.e. 600 + 1 + 100 + 40 + 70 + 200 + 400 + 50
+ 70 + 200) and 1731 is also the numeration of gnosteros, which
means "one that knows or warrants the truth of a thing, Lat.
cognitor". [See Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon.] (It is also
interesting to note that charmosynos may be rendered as charmosynon, the final
Nu, being 50, replacing the final Sigma, being 200, thereby changing the
numeration to 1581, which is also the numeration of Chi Xi Stau [Stau =
Digamma], that is to say, 600 + 10 [610] + 60 + 10 [70] + 200 + 300 + 1 + 400
[901], and these Greek letters, Chi Xi Stau, represent the numbers 600, 60 and
6, otherwise Six Hundred Three Score and Six...666. [A "score" is 20,
multiplied by 3 = 60.])
One way to render "glad word" into Greek
would be charmosynos logos, the numeration of which is 2104, which is also
the numeration of tes doxes tou theou, "the glory of God", as
may be found in Romans 5.2 of the Judeo-Christian Bible, and tes
eikonos autou, "his (i.e. the Beast's) image", from Revelation 15.2.
Another way to render "glad word" into
Greek would be to join the words thusly: charmosynologos, dropping the
final Sigma of charmosynos to do so, thus reducing the original numeration
of 2104 by 200, giving the new variation of the word the numeration of
1904 - and as you should know, The Book of the Law was dictated
to Crowley by Aiwass, his True Self or Holy Guardian Angel (Supraconscious
Self or Mind), in the year of 1904 E.V. Thus the numeration of this book ...
MCMIV or 1904.
The following appears in the scattered
notes made by Aleister Crowley which were eventually to become Liber MCCLXIV,
The Greek Qabalah [see Magick in Theory and Practice], which
was never properly published, said notes being added to my as yet unpublished
work on the Greek Qabalah, being, to date, 2,003 pages long, with 9,393
entries of varying length, in three volumes.
ABK: Alpha (532) + Beta (311) + Kappa (182)
= 1025
ALGMOR: Alpha (532) + Lambda (78) + Gama*
(45) + Mu (440) + Omikron (360) + Rho (900) = 2355. (*Gama is a legitimate
alternate spelling of Gamma.)
YX: Upsilon (1260) + Xi (70) = 1330.
RPSTOVAL: In Greek characters, 100 + 80 + 200
+ 300 + 70 + 6 + 1 + 30 = 787. (Exactly why Crowley did not spell RPSTOVAL out
fully in Greek to achieve a numerical equivalent as he did with the other
series of letters I cannot say. Perhaps it was because the number would have
been too large and cumbersome. Perhaps it was inspiration. Perhaps, although
he may have never committed it to paper, he discovered the solution, keeping
it to himself, or at least had an inkling of its nature. Whatever the case may
be, there are two alternatives I would like to at least give consideration
to: [1] Rho Pi Sigma Tau Omicron Upsilon Alpha Lambda = 1181 = deuteron
therion, "the second beast" [see Revelation 13.11], etc. [2] Rho Pi
Sigma Tau Omega Upsilon Alpha Lambda = 1911 = Philtatops, found in Greek
capitals in Crowley's notes and an odd variation of philtatos, "most beloved"
or "dearest, most loved, best beloved", and o antichristos, "the antichrist",
as can be found in 1 John 2.22 and 2 John 7.)
4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24
89 R P S T O V A L
4..........4........aba, Aba.
6..........6........ea, Abba.
8..........8........Gad, ge.
ABK........1025.....dynatos, exakosioi exekonta ex.
2..........2........B (second letter of Greek alphabet)
4..........4........aba, Aba.
YX.........1330.....christon, kyrio.
89.........89.......Athoth, edeethen.
or.........1911.....philtatops, o antichristos.
or.........1181.....deuteron therion, apto, pheggous.
aba: the youth, the strength and freshness
of youth; "manhood" in Crowley's notes.
Aba: An angelic luminary concerned
with human sexuality.
Abba: Father; Aramaic word often
used to address God.
ea: Ah! exclamation of wonder and
Ba: O King! shortened form of Basileu.
Gad: good fortune; to attack (Hebrew:
Gimel Daleth, GD); m. Gad - Rev. 7.5 and Gen. 30.11: "And Leah (cf. Leah
Hirsig) said: 'Fortune is come!' And she called his name Gad."
ge: enclitic particle adding emphasis
to the word with which it is associated. (This helps to set the tone of
the solution's translation.)
dynatos: mighty.
exakosioi exekonta ex: six hundred
and sixty-six (666) - Rev. 13.18.
B: following the number of the Beast,
referring to the second beast, the "magical child".
aba: the youth, the strength and
freshness of youth; "manhood" in Crowley's notes.
Aba: An angelic luminary concerned
with human sexuality.
teleioseos: the fulfillment; the
Ba: O King! (See previously.)
christon: anointed or Anointed One
(Christ), as in John 9.22.
kyrio: master (or lord), as in Rom.
14.4, 16, and Rev. 14.13.
'Adith: Hadith (the Centre).
Athoth: One of the 12 Gnostic Powers
engendered by Iadalbaoth.
edeethen: please! ask, beg, pray,
Gordius: The tier of the famous
Gordian Knot, a knot (problem, riddle) so complicated that it resisted
all attempts to untie (solve) it. Legend says that whoever could untie
the knot would rule over all Asia. No one succeeded, but Alexander the
Great cut the knot in two with his sword (symbol of reason and the magician's
magical weapon used to banish "demons"). "Cutting the Gordian Knot" is
today a figure of speech for solving a problem by direct action.
NOTE: Aleister Crowley's given name was
Edward Alexander, Aleister being a variation of Alexander. And the
reference to the sword, the means by which the Gordon Knot was "untied",
reminds one of "The Sword of Horus", the feature article of The Newaeon
Newsletter and a special magical title of Frater Militaris Ex Divus, the
Adeptus Minor motto of Frater Keallach.
Thus, "4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3
Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L" becomes:
Aba (ea) Abba Ba (ge) Gad (dynatos) Exakosioi
exekonta ex b aba Teleioseos Ba (christon) Kyrio
'Adith edeethen (Athoth) Gordius.
This is no more intended to be "good Greek"
than is the language of The Book of the Law, written down by Aleister
Crowley, a master of the English language, intended to be grammatically
and otherwise proper.
It may be translated thusly:
Father (of) Manhood and Sexuality! O King
(of) Fortune! Mighty (Beast) 666! The Second (Beast) (is come to) manhood,
the youth [or child], the Perfection*, the Fulfillment (of the promise),
O King! Master (of the Temple), Anointed One (who hath achieved) Hadith,
(long) implored, called upon and invoked, (in the name of) Athoth (shut
up in silence**). Tier of this Gordian Knot, the Antichrist, (thy) most
Beloved One, the second beast, (thy Sword, the Sword of Horus, is here!)
*Elaboration upon such words can be made
by reference to the Greek gematria that has appeared in various volumes
of The Newaeon Newsletter.
**89, the numeration of Athoth, is also
the numeration of GVPh, Gimel Vau Pe, "shut up", and DMMH, Daleth Mem Mem
He, "silence" - see Sepher Sephiroth svb figvra D.
Although the answer to the riddle is supposed
to be "unquestionable", anything can, and everything should
be questioned, and no doubt this solution will be disputed by
well as elaborated upon.
A final note regarding the title: 76 (LXXVI)
is the difference between 1875 and 1951, the years in which Aleister Crowley
and G.M.Kelly, respectively, were born, as commonly reckoned. 76 is also
the numeration of Nuith (Digamma = u here), ienai, "to go", einai, "I am,
I am to be", and Athene, all to be found in Crowley's notes (Note: Pallas
Athene = 418), agalma, "the image" of a god as an object of worship, "any
Love is the
law, love under will.
Anno LXXXVI, Sol in Sagittarius
I. It may be worth noting that, according
to A Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by
the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, the word "glad" from the Anglo Saxon, "glaed",
means "shining, bright, cheerful", with similar meanings in the equally
more original forms to be found in other languages. This, perhaps, indicates
the nature of this other "word", as well as the solution to the riddle.
II. Two Greek words with the numeration
of 1181 that I did not add to the translation above may be added to the
ending to indicate nature, that which follows, etc. (a) apto, "to
fasten, fasten to or on, fix upon (a thing) fasten upon,
touch, grasp with the senses, apprehend, reach,
overtake: to kindle, set on fire...", and (b) pheggous, or feggous,
"light, splendor, luster: sunlight, daylight...light, gladness, joy...",
according to Liddell and Scott. Another source defines apto very much
the same, but adding "light".
III. Finally, a personal note: My Thelemic
nature as well as my love of and impulse towards Justice has been involving
me in battles against crime, from the most minor to the most heinous -
battles not only against criminals, but also against uncaring government
officials and a generally apathetic, lazy and stupid police force. I live
in a community filled with universities and libraries, yet the week after
a knifing next door I literally placed myself between a large, bear-like
madman and the lives of twenty other people that he had threatened, along
with my own. Being a bit too casual, and concerned more for the safety
of the others, I took two hits to the face before caving the maniac's chest
in with a single kick to end things neatly. A couple of weeks later a would-be
rapist that I stopped proved himself a terrible fighter and three times
I had him without being touched and could have easily killed him but instead
exercised compassion. Truly, "Compassion is the vice of kings" (CCXX II.21),
for then I slipped, fell, he had me for a few seconds, got a few good hits
in to my face before I was up again, and got away as soon as the police
finally arrived to take charge. Had he knocked me unconscious, he
would have surely beaten me to death. Fortunately I have a natural resistance
to things like intoxication and unconsciousness. The point being, on the
verge of making great changes, the "negative", dying old aeon forces are
naturally and automatically evoked by the greater manifestation of the
"positive" New Aeon forces coming further into Being, naturally attacking
the channels of the "93 Current". Be careful.
Frater Keallach 93/676 (G.M.Kelly)
KEY: Alpha, A/a = 1; Beta, B/b = 2; Gamma, G/g = 3; Delta, D/d = 4;
Epsilon, E/e (short-E) = 5; Digamma, F/f (U,V,W) = 6; Zeta, Z/z = 7; Eta,
H/e = 8; Theta, Th/th = 9; Iota, I/i = 10; Kappa, K/k = 20; Lambda,
L/l = 30; Mu, M/m = 40; Nu, N/n = 50; Xi, X/x = 60; Omicron, O/o (short-O) =
70; Pi, P/p = 80; Koppa, Q/q = 90; Rho, R/r = 100; Sigma, S/s = 200; Tau, T/t
= 300; Upsilon, U/u V/v Y/y = 400; Phi, Ph/ph = 500; Chi, Ch/ch = 600; Psi,
Ps/ps = 700; Omega, O/o (long-O) = 800; Sanpi, -) = 900.
(ENCYCLICAL LETTER, Winter Solstice 1990